Author: Irvings Law

Housing Team

Ian Kyle


Damien Gill

Senior Associate

Joseph Waters


Lucy Smith

Senior Associate

Lauren Halliday

Trainee Solicitor

Emma Long

Litigation Executive

Housing Disrepair Claims – Frequently Asked Questions

1. What can I claim for?

We assess every claim on a case by case basis, our main aim is to get your property repaired and to obtain you monetary compensation where possible. You can claim for:-

  • Living in a property with disrepair
  • Personal property that has been damaged due to disrepair
  • Personal injury caused by the disrepair.

2. How do I make a claim?

Making a claim is easy. Request a call back from one of our dedicated housing team members. We will assess your claim and write to your landlord on your behalf. Then we will instruct a surveyor to attend your property and assess how much the repairs will costs.

You Landlord will be asked to carry out the repairs as calculated by our surveyor. If they fail to do so, we will issue court proceedings against them and force them to carry out the repairs you’re owed.

3. How can you contact us?

We have a dedicated housing disrepair mobile number of 07938 179 297. Please feel free to call, SMS or Whatsapp as you prefer.

4. How much compensation could I receive?

We aim to get your repairs carried out and to obtain you monetary compensation. We will ensure your landlord carries out the repairs to a high standard. We will also seek compensation for your loss of enjoyment. The amount of compensation you get depends on the length of time you have had to live in the property in a poor state. For your claim to be successful, you must have complained to the landlord about the ongoing problems.

Mr A had been having problems at his property for 6 years. He was suffering with damp and mould and leaks. His rental payment per month was £500. He received 35% reduction of his rent for a 6 year period so he received £12,600 compensation, plus repairs were carried out.

Mrs Y had been having mould in her bedroom for 2 years. Her rental payment per month was £450. She received a 10% reduction of her rent for a 2 year period, so she received £1,080 in compensation, plus repairs were carried out.

5. Do I need to pay for the repairs myself?

No, the repairs are paid for or carried out by your landlord, all of the repairs will be free of charge to you. Your compensation is in addition to your repair work.

6. Could I get evicted for making a claim?

Legally, as a housing association or council house tenant, your landlord CANNOT EVICT YOU for starting a housing claim. However, the only exception to this is if you are in arrears AND do not have a payment plan in place. If you are in arrears, you should ensure you have a payment plan in place, even £1 a month is sufficient to protect you.

For Private renters the law is different and the landlord can serve a section 21 eviction notice. There are campaigns to end this. At the moment we do not undertake private landlord work.

7. What do I need for my claim to be successful?

You need disrepair in you property that had been ongoing for some time, usually in excess of 6 months and you MUST have notified your landlord of the ongoing problems.

8. Do I need to pay anything upfront?

No! Your housing claim with us is on a “No win, no fee” basis. The agreement between us is called a Conditional Fee Agreement, the document is prepared by the Law Society and is filled with legal jargon. BUT don’t be put off by it. When making a no win, no fee claim you don’t need to worry about anything – we will explain all the requirements. We will bear all of the upfront costs and you will only pay a fee from your damages if the claim is successful. This ‘success fee’ will only be deducted from your compensation at the end of the case.

9. What happens if my claim isn’t successful?

If we are unable to obtain you compensation and you comply with the simple terms of the agreement, then you will not be charged.

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Can I claim?

This is a question you may be asking yourself if you feel that you are entitled to some form of compensation. Why not ask us the question instead?

We offer free initial advice with absolutely no financial risk for you with our no-win-no-fee promise.

Please fill in the form with some basic details and one of our staff will be in touch to follow up your enquiry.