Author: Matt McConville

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Ian Kyle


Nick Swales


Matt McConville

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Lucy Smith

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Grace Milnes

Irvings Team


Ian Kyle


Matt McConville

Senior Associate

Lee Wall


Damien Gill

Senior Associate

Joseph Waters


Nottinghamshire Police Committed Two Data Breaches


Mr P was charged in respect of several allegations following his attendance at a voluntary interview with Nottinghamshire Police where he provided his address and a DNA sample. Thereafter, Nottinghamshire Police admitted to sending a postal charge (later discontinued) to an incorrect address and losing such a DNA sample too. Given this, Mr P wished to take matters further.


As such, Mr P approached specialist Data Protection Solicitors, Irvings Law, for assistance. Mr McConville immediately acknowledged that what happened was completely wrong and without hesitation, offered to act for Mr P by way of “no win, no fee” presenting a claim to Nottinghamshire Police for a breach of human rights, data protection and misuse of private information.


Despite the above concessions, Nottinghamshire Police forced Mr P to issue and serve Court proceedings but shortly before witness exchange, they then decided to engage in settlement negotiations. Following this, Mr P agreed to settle his claim for eight thousand pounds plus the payment of his legal costs.

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