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Data Breach by Hertfordshire Constabulary


Yvonne Dobson, a Solicitor in our specialised Data Breach Department at Irvings Law, has successfully represented a client in data breach compensation claims against Hertfordshire Constabulary.

On 7th December 2018 officers from Hertfordshire Constabulary searched the client’s property seizing several items and one such item was a Bank welcome pack containing the client’s personal customer number, internet banking log in details, password etc. Hertfordshire Constabulary sent the seized items including the Bank welcome pack to independent auctioneers to be valued ahead of a Proceeds of Crime Hearing. The auctioneers reviewed the Bank Welcome Pack valuing it as £0.

The Bank welcome pack containing the Client’s personal information was of no relevance to the said Proceeds of Crime Hearing and indeed officers from Hertfordshire Constabulary should have reviewed the seized items prior to sending these to auctioneers and returned the said welcome pack to the client.

The Client with assistance from his family raised a complaint with Hertfordshire Constabulary about this breach of his personal information. Hertfordshire Constabulary responded to this complaint denying any breach of the client’s information. The client though was not satisfied with the said response not least as Hertfordshire Constabulary appeared to confirm the search of the client’s property took place a year later than it actually did.


As Hertfordshire Constabulary had committed an obvious error by disclosing unnecessary personal information to a third party, the client instructed Miss Dobson to seek compensation for him. Miss Dobson offered to act for the Client on a no win, no fee basis and once instructed, a Letter of Claim was submitted to Hertfordshire Constabulary. Miss Dobson alleged that as there had been an inaccurate processing of the client’s information, that Hertfordshire Constabulary had breached / invaded his privacy under the Human Rights Act, had breached the Data Protection Act 2018/the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as well as confidence following their misuse of private information pertaining to the client.


In response to the presented claim, Hertfordshire Constabulary admitted breach and made an offer in the sum of £1,500.00 plus legal costs. Miss Dobson provided advice to the client in regards to the estimated value of the claim advising him to reject the offer and instead put forward an £3,000.00. Hertfordshire Constabulary agreed to this plus payment of legal costs to resolve the matter.


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