Author: Hollie Morgan

Hollie Morgan


Romilly Houghton


Simon Brennan

Senior Associate

Hannah Winearls

Trainee Solicitor

Lucy Smith

Senior Associate

Doctor’s Failure to Diagnose Woman with Breast Cancer Leaves Her with Only Years Left to Live


Irvings Law have successfully secured £750,000 in compensation for a client who was failed by her GP when they failed to suspect breast cancer.

Our client (JW) who had no previous history with serious illness, was 44 years old when she first went to her GP concerned about a lump on her breast. In the initial GP appointment, her doctor was certain that the lump was a cyst which did not need treatment unless it grew bigger and as a result became more painful in the future.

At this stage the GP was so certain that this lump was a cyst and of no concern that they did not refer her to a breast clinic for the lump to be further examined.

She then moved house and registered with a different GP Practice.

The cancer was only discovered when JW found another lump over a year later and decided to visit the new GP to get it checked, by which time it was too late and the cancer was stage 4 and incapable of being cured. She was given a limited prognosis and only a few years to live.

If JW had been referred when she first found the lump a year earlier, the cancer would have been detected and was likely to have been curable.

This doctor’s negligence has had an absolutely devastating effect on not only JW’s life but her close family members because they have to come to terms with her condition and the fact her cancer is incurable.

JW is married and a mother to two young boys. Since her diagnosis and subsequent chemotherapy she can no longer spend as much quality time with her children because the fatigue from her treatment is simply too extreme. Before JW had breast cancer, she used to regularly go swimming with her children, go hiking and bike riding in the Lake District and visit London often which is all no longer possible and this is extremely upsetting for the whole family.

It is heartbreaking that a long and healthy life spent with her family has been taken away from her due to the actions of a doctor who missed her diagnosis completely.


JW instructed Simon Brennan to bring a claim against the GP.

Simon is the Head of our Clinical Negligence team at lrvings Law and is a member of the Law Society’s Clinical Negligence Accreditation Scheme.

lrvings Law recently obtained £750,000 in compensation for JW. The compensation was awarded for ongoing treatment, converting her house so that it was more suitable for her care needs and the end of her life, childcare costs, care and services costs, psychological support, domestic assistance as well as household maintenance for gardening and travel expenses.

JW was extremely grateful for the service she received at lrvings Law and being awarded this compensation has been a massive step for her moving forward. lrvings Law sends its best wishes to JW and her family.

The bottom line is, JW’s life expectancy is now only to age 54. But if the GP had suspected breast cancer when he should, then the cancer was treatable and she would probably have lived to her late 70’s/early 80’s.

Can I Start a Medical Negligence Claim?

If you or someone you know has suffered medical negligence similar to JW’s, such as a failure to diagnose breast cancer, then please get in touch with one of our specialist medical negligence solicitors today.

lrvings Law are specialists in handling medical negligence claims and are committed to securing financial compensation for victims of medical negligence.

We act on a ‘no win no fee’ basis. If your claim is successful, the costs will be paid by the Defendant. If your claim is successful, the costs will be paid by the Defendant. If the claim is not successful, the costs will be written off and you do not have to pay anything.

Contact us today for a no obligation and confidential chat on 0151 475 1999 or to see how we can help you.

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