Author: Matt McConville

AAP Team

Ian Kyle


Nick Swales


Matt McConville

Senior Associate

Lucy Smith

Senior Associate

Grace Milnes

Irvings Team


Ian Kyle


Matt McConville

Senior Associate

Lee Wall


Damien Gill

Senior Associate

Joseph Waters


Hertfordshire police officer dismissed for ‘abuse of power’

Ongoing . . .

Mr Matthew McConville, the Head of our specialised Actions Against the Police (and Data Breach Department) at Irvings Law has recently been quoted in The Comet following the sacking of a Police Officer from Hertfordshire Constabulary. The story can be found below:

Mr McConville will now be pursuing a compensation claim on behalf of his client on the basis of Invasion of Privacy / Breach of Article 8 of the Human Rights Act 1998, Breach of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) / the Data Protection Act 2018, Breach of Confidence, Misuse of Private Information and Misfeasance in Public Office.

More to follow……

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