Author: Romilly Houghton

Romilly Houghton


Ian Kyle


Nick Swales


Sinead Woods

Senior Associate

Irvings law recover £185,000 for client who slipped at work


We acted for a client following an accident at work that happened back in December 2017. Our client was loading pallets onto a wagon. The area of the loading bay was only partially covered by an extended canopy.  The weather conditions were very wet, and the area was very dark. Unfortunately, this caused our client to slip and fall off the wagon.

Due to the accident, our client sustained significant injuries to wrists. He sustained wrist fractures that required immediate hospital treatment. He also developed a psychological injury. Our client subsequently needed to have multiple surgeries on his wrists. He was left with permanent symptoms and reduced grip strength.


We brought a claim against our client’s employer, following the accident. This was on the basis that there was an unsafe system of work. Liability was not admitted and due to this Court proceedings had to be issued.


The case was due to go to trial but prior to the trial, the parties agreed to have a joint settlement meeting. At this joint settlement meeting, various offers were made. The case subsequently settled for £185,000.

This represented an excellent settlement for our client. He was compensated for the injuries that he sustained, and he was also compensated in relation to the care that he needed, as well as his past and future loss of earnings. He was delighted to finally obtain closure and put matters behind him.

Contact Irvings

Irvings Law are specialists in handling serious injury claims and are committed to fighting and securing financial compensation for accident victims.

How much will it cost me?

We act on a “no win-no fee” basis. If your claim is successful, the costs are paid by the Defendants. If a claim is not successful, you do not pay our costs.

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You can contact Irvings for a no obligation confidential chat by telephone on 0151 475 1999 or use our freephone number 0800 954 0243 and talk to our specialist serious injury team. Alternatively, you can submit your enquiry to us by email to

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