Author: Matt McConville

AAP Team

Ian Kyle


Nick Swales


Matt McConville

Senior Associate

Lucy Smith

Senior Associate

Grace Milnes

Irvings Team

Male Assaulted and Arrested for Simply Sitting in Passenger Seat of Car


Mr Matthew McConville, Head of Irvings Law’s specialist Action Against the Police Department, has successfully represented a client in a claim for compensation against the Metropolitan Police but due to confidentiality, the client will be referred to as Mr C.

A Bailiff was attending to recover monies for a parking fine issued against Mr C’s wife. The said Bailiff located Mr C’s wife’s car and called her. At this time, Mr C’s wife explained that she was at her Solicitor’s office obtaining a Statutory Declaration requesting more time to pay the said fine but still the Bailiff proceeded to call the police. Mr C’s wife was still in the said Solicitor’s office when the police arrived and Mr C was locked inside her car in the passenger seat. Despite having no possible way of getting out, the passenger door window was smashed by the attending police officers and Mr C was dragged out before he was then further subjected to physical strikes and arrested for “obstructing an enforcement agent”. To his disbelief, Mr C was then charged with such an offence but thankfully the Magistrates’ Court found him not guilty when considering the above facts.


After this, Mr. C approached specialist Actions Against the Police Solicitors, Irvings Law, for assistance. Mr McConville immediately acknowledged that what happened was completely wrong and without hesitation, offered to act for Mr C by way of “no win, no fee” presenting a claim to the Metropolitan Police for false imprisonment, assault and malicious prosecution.


Upon receipt of Mr C’s claim, the police denied liability in full which left Mr C with no other option but to issue/serve Court proceedings once his medical evidence was finalised. Once Mr C did this, the police decided to enter into settlement negotiations whereby Mr C agreed to settle his claim for £7,500.00 plus the payment of his legal costs.

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