Miss Kayleigh Littlemore, Solicitor within Irvings Law’s specialist Actions Against the Police Department, has successfully represented a client in a claim for compensation against the Metropolitan Police. Unfortunately, such a client does not wish to be named in this blog though.
Mr A stayed at his partner’s house and had woken up late for work the next morning. As Mr A was rushing around, he and his partner got into a verbal argument to which he left soon after. On his way out, Mr A’s partner decided to slam the door behind him as he left and on his walk to work, Mr A noticed a Police car that drove past him. Mr A carried on walking when the said Police car turned around and headed towards him with its siren and lights on before stopping beside him. The Police Officers from the Metropolitan Police within that car then jumped out and immediately handcuffed Mr A without speaking with him. Naturally, Mr A had no idea what was going on so resisted the attempts of these Police Officers to detain him but when doing so, he was tasered. When eventually detained thereafter, Mr A was taken to the Police Station and told that he was under arrest on suspicion of assault upon the attending Police Officers. After interview, Mr A was released and later charged on two counts of Assaulting before he later pleaded not guilty at Court. When attending for Trial at Court, Mr A was informed that the CPS had dropped all charges against him after considering the trial paperwork.
After being exonerated, Mr A approached specialist Actions Against the Police Solicitors, Irvings Law, for assistance. Miss Littlemore immediately acknowledged that what happened to Mr A was completely wrong and without hesitation, offered to act for him by way of “no win, no fee”. After obtaining all documentation, information and footage from the Metropolitan Police, Miss Littlemore alleged that Mr A’s arrest and prosecution was unlawful as it had no grounds and the use of a taser was excessive in the circumstances.
After lodging his claim, the Metropolitan Police agreed to pay Mr A £5,000.00 plus the payment of his legal costs.
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