Author: Matt McConville

AAP Team

Ian Kyle


Nick Swales


Matt McConville

Senior Associate

Lucy Smith

Senior Associate

Grace Milnes

Irvings Team

West Yorkshire Police Unnecessarily Arrest their Own Serving Officer


Mr Kyle, Director at Irvings Law who specialise in Actions Against the Police, has successfully represented a client in a claim for compensation against West Yorkshire Police; the client does not wish to be named for the purposes of this blog and so will be referred to as Mr D instead.

Mr D’s ex-wife contacted West Yorkshire Police to report that since their break-up Mr D had been harassing her and subjecting her to coercive and controlling behaviour. Mr D was a Police Officer at the time of these allegations and was due to start his shift when he was arrested at his place of work. Mr D was handcuffed, forced to strip out of his police uniform and transported to a different Police Station to be interviewed. Mr D gave his version of events at the first available opportunity with evidence to disprove the allegations that had been made against him. Soon after, Mr D was released on bail before it was concluded a week later that there would be no further action taken against him.


After being told no further action, Mr D approached Irvings Law for assistance. Mr Kyle acknowledged that Mr D’s arrest was wholly unnecessary and without hesitation, offered to act for him by way of “no win, no fee”. After obtaining all documentation, information and footage, Mr Kyle lodged Mr D’s claim alleging that Mr D’s arrest was not necessary as he would have voluntarily attended to answer questions about the allegation against him if given the chance.


Strangely, West Yorkshire Police denied liability and made Mr D no offer to settle leaving him with no other option but to commence expensive Court proceedings. Once such proceedings were served, West Yorkshire Police finally wished to settle Mr D’s claim and by way of negotiation, settlement was agreed at £3,000.00 plus the payment of his legal costs.


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